Transcription of above certificate:
Left-hand Column:
Date of Marriage: January 26, 1898
Groom's Full Name: Edward C. Scheel
Residence of Groom: 627 Elm St. [Buffalo, NY]
Age: Twenty-three
Color: White
Occupation: Art Imporium [?]
Single or Widowed: Single
Birthplace of Groom: Buffalo, NY
Father's Name: Charles H. Scheel
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Klien
Number of Groom's Marriage: One
Bride's Full Name: Mary Culver
Residence of Bride: 37 East Ferry St. [Buffalo, NY]
Age: 26
Color: White
Single or Widowed: [widowed crossed out]
Maiden Name if widowed: [blank]
Birthplace of Bride: City [meaning Buffalo, NY]
Father's Name: Frank
Mother's Maiden Name: Burk
Number of Bride's Marriage: [Ink scribble]
Name of Person performing Ceremony: Albert W. Allen
Residence: 594 W. Ferry St. [Buffalo, NY]
Right-sided Column:
State of New York
County of Erie
Certificate and Record of Marriage
City of Buffalo -- Bureau of Vital Statistics
I hereby certified that Edward E. Scheel and Mary Culver were joined in Marriage
by me in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, at 37 East Ferry
this 26th day of January 1898
Signature of Witnesses in Marriage: Henry Robinson, Robert Brown
Signature of Person performing ceremony: Albert W. Allen
This marriage certificate contains a lot of wonderful information for genealogical purposes. First, by listing the parents, it provides a link between generations, and a confirmation of parentage. Next, the addresses are a huge bonus -- they are important when you are trying to establish the bloodlines and there are many common names. Since Charles and Edward are quite common, and Scheel was not an uncommon name in Buffalo at the turn of the century, I can match up families by the address on this certificate with those on the census records, and confirm families. Lastly, I have the bride's maiden name which allows me to open a new branch in the family tree.
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